Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The audacity of a liar

As I listened to Speaker John Boehner last night in his response to the president, I couldn’t help but think he would be a great poker player. The ability to lie as he did with such a straight face is a talent indeed.
Lie number 1.
The Speaker would have us believe that this is about future spending. The truth of the matter is that this is to cover bills we are already committed to. Secondly all expenditures are authorized by the Congress not by the president
Lie number 2.
The Speaker would have us believe that by discussing the debt ceiling he has already compromised. The truth is the Constitution of the United States demands that we pay our debts.
Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Lie number 3.
The speaker would have us believe that he has been negotiating in good faith. The truth is that report after report tell a different story about how petulant members have walked out of meetings including John Boehner who wouldn’t even return phone calls to the President.
Lie Number 4
Speaker Boehner would have us believe that deficit reduction would lead to job creation. The truth is that is a lie. No economic theory supports that. We have created jobs with deficits.
Lie number 5
The Speaker would have us believe that the president will act irresponsibly if he vetoes the house bill.. The truth of the matter is that the president can only veto or sign that which is passed by the house and the senate.
Lie number 6
Speaker Boehner would have us believe that the president has no plan. The truth of the matter is the president called for 4 trillion dollars in cuts over ten years and 1 trillion in revenue.
Speaker Boehner is probably the weakest speaker in the history of our nation. As one thinks about strong speakers from Sam Rayburn to Tip O’ Neil would have had this done by now. In fact they would not have let this happen. Boehner cannot control his own caucus and therefore depends on hyperbole and lies to maintain his position which is under attack by Tea Party members who want Majority Leader Eric Cantor to be speaker. In essence Speaker Boehner has put his job ahead of the American people.

You would really have to be naïve not to understand Boehners rejection of Senator Reid’s proposal. While I am not in favor of Senator Reid’s proposal the fact the Boehner has rejected this tells me this is not about the deficit. In the Reid proposal, the Tea Party gets everything they want except a second vote on the debt ceiling in April. Speaker Boehner wants to have 2 votes in order to sabotage the president’s reelection campaign.
By putting the debt ceiling debate on the table in April, the nation can once again be held hostage by a small intransigent group of people. The president is right when he says to have this conversation again in the midst of election campaigns would be a disaster.
Now as for President Obama, my hope is that he will stop treating these people as faithful partners who are dealing in good faith. I hope the President invokes the 14th amendment and dare the republicans to go to court.
The one good thing of this mess is that we get to see the real workings of government. Boehner and his crowd are counting on the American people being ignorant of the constitution and how government works.
Boehner may go down in history as the weakest speaker ever but probably one of the best liars.

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