Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Press Release for immediate release
For more info contact: Margo Communications Group
“The Latter Glory: A season of purpose, passion and possibilities”
Challenges baby boomers to redefine what their future will be

Author Tony C. Aguilar makes the case that many people have defined success according to self-interests other than their own. The Latter Glory challenges Americans, especially those over 50 to redefine their future and success according to their passion and purpose in life. Tony C. Aguilar is the lead organizer of Total Empowerment Ministries and supply minister for Flatbush Church of the Redeemer in Brooklyn New York. A former community organizer he has been involved in issues of affordable housing, economic development, and living wage. He is also the creator of the Detective Channel, an internet radio and movie channel. The Latter Glory will be available through Amazon Kindle E-books. beginning June 20th 2011.

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